Forecast Data
Sofar Ocean continually runs forecasts for several marine weather data models and their associated variables. Access to forecasted marine weather conditions at specific geographic locations is made available via the forecast endpoint.
This endpoint allows you to retrieve Sofar Ocean's latest full forecast values for a given pair of latitude and longitude coordinates. The data is organized by model and variable, and it is possible to request forecast data for multiple variables within a single request.
The values associated with each variable will represent the latest 10-day forecast run by Sofar Ocean. In most cases, the returned values will include data values from before the time of the request.
Retrieve forecast data at a geographic location
Returns forecast data from the specified model and variables at a single latitude and longitude point.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
A comma separated list of variable ID strings which you want to retrieve as part of the forecast data. (Limit 3 IDs.)
A list of valid variable IDs for any given model can be retrieved from the model metadata endpoint.
The longitude of the requested forecast point. Can be either positive or negative.
The latitude of the requested forecast point. Must be between -90 and 90 degrees.
Valid examples and their corresponding responses are available on the Forecast Data examples page.
Last updated
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